Monday, June 4, 2018

BoardSpeck - Guatemala volcano eruption kills over 60 people

BoardSpeck - Guatemala volcano eruption kills over 60 people: The death toll from Guatemala's Fuego volcano eruption keeps rising, and now more hazards threaten grieving residents.

At least 62 people were killed...

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018

BoardSpeck - Teenager sentenced to death for killing her husband after he raped her

BoardSpeck - Teenager sentenced to death for killing her husband after he raped her: A court in Sudan has sentenced a 19-year-old woman to death for killing her husband after he raped her.The judge at the...

BoardSpeck - Woman legally banned from singing in her home; neighbours complain that she sounds like a drowning cat

BoardSpeck - Woman legally banned from singing in her home; neighbours complain that she sounds like a drowning cat: A woman in Norwich, UK, was recently banned from singing and playing loud music in her apartment after neighbours complained that her...

BoardSpeck - UNICEF: 400,000 children on 'verge' of death in the DRC

BoardSpeck - UNICEF: 400,000 children on 'verge' of death in the DRC: Up to 400,000 children are at risk of starving to death in the Democratic Republic of Congo unless humanitarian aid efforts are ramped...

BoardSpeck - Japan's single women a burden on the state, MP says

BoardSpeck - Japan's single women a burden on the state, MP says: An MP from Japan's governing party has been accused of sexism after he said young Japanese women should have more children or...


BoardSpeck - 25 THINGS ABOUT LIFE I WISH I HAD KNOWN 10 YEARS AGO by DARIUS FOROUX: Socrates, considered as one of the founders of Western philosophy, was once named the wisest man on earth by the Oracle of...

BoardSpeck - Malaysia’s Mahathir, 92, sworn in, now world’s oldest leader

BoardSpeck - Malaysia’s Mahathir, 92, sworn in, now world’s oldest leader: Ninety-two-year-old Mahathir Mohamad was Thursday sworn in as the world’s oldest elected leader after a stunning election win that swept Malaysia’s establishment...